2005 03.09.2008
2005 Final reports on investigations, conducted by AAIU.
THE SITE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND A CONSTANT UPDATE IS RUNNING!  | FINAL REPORT on investigation of an aviation occurrence with BOEING 737-500, registered LZ-BOQ, operated by Bulgaria Air on 28.12.2005 during scheduled passenger flight FB-472 from Madrid to Sofia (MAD/SOF) (127.32 KB) |
The aircraft came upon a zone of severe turbulence. The autopilot was self-switched-off. For short period of time the airplane was out of control. The crew reported to Brindisi Control about severe turbulence at the flight level and asked permission for descent to FL290. Twenty minutes later the aircraft came upon a zone with severe turbulence once again. After aircraft stabilizing the senior cabin attendant reported to the commander captain that a female passenger complained she had suffered an injury of the left hand and a cabin attendant had broken his leg. The crew informed Sofia Approach about on-board situation and asked an ambulance for rendering of qualified help for the injured persons. |
 | FINAL REPORT on investigation of an aviation occurrence with An-26 aircraft, registered LZ-MNH, operated by Air Scorpio Ltd air operator, occurred on 07.11.2005 during a flight from Sofia to Budapest. (120.07 KB) |
An-26 aircraft, reg. No LZ-MNH took-off for transportation of goods on Sofia – Budapest destination at 16:45 UTC on 07.11.2005. At an altitude of 400 m when engaging the air conditioning system in the cockpit appeared a smell of oil and smoke. At an altitude of 8000ft “Emergency Remaining Oil” light came on. By commander’s instruction the first officer disengaged the air conditioning system and depressurized the cockpit. The reading of oil quantity of the left engine was 20 liters in a process of fast decreasing. The commander ordered for feathering of the engine No1 (left-hand). The execution of the turn was stopped and the crew was vectored by the ATC for ILS approach and landed at Sofia Airport with one engine operative. The landing was uneventful for the crew, aircraft and the cargo. |
 | FINAL REPORT on investigation of an aviation occurrence with Zenair CH 701SP aircraft, registered LZ-KLG, operated by GALABITE Ltd air operator, occurred on 15.10.2005 during landing after training flight in flight maneuvering area of Shumen airfield. (115.23 KB) |
The commander of Zenair CH 701SP aircraft, reg. No LZ-KLG, at 13:20 on 15.10.2005 took-off for training flight in flight maneuvering area in vicinity of airfield. In maneuvering area the aircraft commander have seen a heavy rain, approaching from the western side. The pilot turned to the landing strip immediately, but he came upon the rain area, lost the visual contact with the ground and executed a go-around. During the second attempt for landing the visibility was very poor because of heavy rain and the landing was done in the middle of landing strip with exceed landing speed. During the landing run the aircraft leaved the landing strip boundaries, met a transverse embankment 40 – 50 cm high and overturned. The pilot wasn’t injured. |
 | on investigation of an aviation occurrence with BOEING 737-300, registered LZ-BON, operated by Bulgaria Air occurred on 10.10.2005 during scheduled passenger flight FB-464 Amsterdam – Varna. (121.01 KB) |
BOEING-737-300 aircraft, reg. LZ-BON took-off for scheduled flight Amsterdam – Varna at 09:38:28 UTC on 10.10.2005. After reaching an altitude of 35000ft (FL350), the oil quantity and pressure of left-hand engine started to drop with a constant rate and in three minutes it reached 20%. Low oil pressure indication (LOW OIL PRES ENG1) on engine No1 came on and the indicator of oil pressure read zero. All other engine parameters were normal. The crew performed the procedures for low oil pressure (ENGINE LOW OIL PRESSURE NNCQ and ENGINE FAILURE/SHUTDOWN) according Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) of Boeing 737 and after engine cooling it was shut down. The commander’s decision was to land at Frankfurt Airport as an alternate airport. The passengers were told a landing should be done at Frankfurt Airport due to a technical problem. The approach and landing at Frankfurt Airport were performed with one engine operative without any consequences for the aircraft, crew and passengers. |
 | FINAL REPORT on investigation of a serious incident with FALCON 2000 aircraft, registered No LZ-OOI, operated by Aviodetachment 28, occurred on 25.07.2005 during HEAD domestic flight BULG-001 Varna – Sofia (VAR-SOF). (182.04 KB) |
FALCON 2000 airplane, reg. No LZ-OOI, took-off for HEAD flight Varna – Sofia at 23:50 local time on 25.07.2005. After engine starting and clearance for taxi via taxiway A, the aircraft was cleared for runway 27 by Varna Tower, lined-up for RWY27 and stopped at its right-hand end part. The commander began a take-off run, maintaining the direction. At 450m from the beginning of the runway the aircraft, moving close along the runway edge, hit a wooden peg placed on runway shoulder by the arc of the end fairing of the right-hand wing. At about 650m from the beginning of the runway the inner tire of the right-hand main landing gear passed over one of side edge lights and keeping up the take-off, destroyed the next light with the wheel rim of the same tire. At 850m the slat leading edge hit and broke a second wooden peg 1.10 m high. The flight to Sofia Airport and landing were conducted without peculiarities and consequences for the crew and passengers. After landing during the post-flight check the servicing technical staff found out bruises on the slat leading edge of the right-hand wing and during the check performed on the next day, found out disturbed protector (deep cutting) of the inner tire of the right-hand main landing gear. In accordance with Para.3 of Additional Provisions of Regulation 13 of the Ministry of Transport of 27.01.1999 about aircraft accident investigation the aviation occurrence has been classified as a serious incident. |
 | FINAL REPORT on investigation of an aviation occurrence with Ka-26 helicopter, reg. No LZ-6080, property of Fortuna Air Ltd – Town of Veliko Tarnovo, occurred on 15.06.2005. (204.93 KB) |
On 15.06.2006 the commander of Ka-26 helicopter, reg. No LZ-6080, was carrying out eighth AW flight for the day. After refilling with herbicides he took-off from a temporary landing site in Pishtigovo village area, flew over a corn field and before the start of working passes an engine flameout of the left-hand engine occurred. The altitude was 20…25m. The commander made an unsuccessful attempt to jettison the load and executed a forced running landing on a site, chosen from the air. The nose landing gear legs, fore bottom part of the helicopter cabin and cabin glazing were destroyed. The commander was unharmed. |
 | FINAL REPORT on the investigation of an aviation occurrence on 01.05.2005 which involved an ATR 42-300 airplane during scheduled passenger flight from Sofia to Vienna. (109.85 KB) |
ATR 42-300 took-off for a scheduled passenger flight Sofia- Vienna – Sofia on 01.05.2005 at 05:48:29 h UTC (08:48:29h Local time). After take-off, at altitude of about 300 ft, the first officer noticed on the torque indicator a drop of engine No:2 torque. The crew executed an “INCORRECT TORQUE INDICATION” checklist and continued the flight. After the aircraft was transmitted to Belgrade Control and the crew received a clearance to fly directly to PARAK waypoint, the aircraft started to climb to FL 200 in accordance with the clearance as the crew monitored the engine No:2 parameters. When passing FL 150 a master warning light and aural warning sound alerted the crew for fire in engine No:2. The crew executed the procedures in accordance with aircraft Quick Reference Handbook (QRH), extinguished the fire and after obtaining clearance from Belgrade Control returned for landing at Sofia Airport. The approach and landing were performed with one engine operative and were uneventful. The crew and the passengers were uninjured. |
 | Окончателен доклад от разследване на авиационно събитие със самолет Ан - 12, реализирано на 09.03.2005 г. на летище Багдад.
(200.48 KB)
Самолет Ан-12БП, рег. № LZ – VEC, излита в 23:10 h UTC на 08.03.2005 г. от летище Горна Оряховица за изпълнение на полет № VЕА 2702 по маршрут Горна Оряховица – Адана – Багдад. След междинно кацане на летище Адана за дозареждане с гориво полетът продължава за летище Багдад. По времена кацане на летище Багдад към 7:20 h местно време на 09.03.2005 г. самолетът удря с края на дясното крило и витлото на четвърти двигател пистата. Разрушен е края на крилото, витлото и моторамата на четвърти двигател. Пострадали от екажа няма. Самолетът не е превозвал пътници. |
Remark: During the past year two more aviation accidents occurred outbound the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The investigations on these occurrencies have been conducted by foreign authorities. |
Air Transport
2005 Final reports on investigations, conducted by AAIU.