This website offers online networking to find partners and to prepare a project proposal for Call 6 of CIP ICT PSP. The following networking features can be used to interact with other potential partners:
- People's profiles. When obtaining a logon, you provide information about yourself and your organisation. You can flag your profile as public so that it is seen by other users. Click here for details and tips to get the maximum out of your profile.
- Cooperation offers. Potential partners who would like to participate in a project proposal and who offer their expertise in a specific domain are encouraged to describe their offer and publish it on this website.
- Cooperation demands. Potential project coordinators or partners that have an idea for a project are encouraged to briefly describe their project idea and indicate which partners with a specific expertise they are looking for to join their project consortium.
- Comments. Anyone that is logged on to this website can leave comments and remarks for anyone else to read.