MTITC will not allow destabilization of the work of Port Burgas
With regard to the letter sent on behalf of Podkrepa Union and the Union of Port Workers Minister Nikolina Angelkova
claimed that she will not allow for the destabilization of the work of Port Burgas...
Dian Dimov appointed new Executive Director of Port Burgas
As of today, the new Executive Director of Port Burgas is Mr. Dian Dimov.
Dian Dimov graduated “Economy and Organization of Water Transport” at the Odessa Engineering Navy Institute,
Ukraine. He...
MTITC do not consider an increase in the prices of train tickets
With regard to today's publication, we would like to inform you that no increase in the prices of train tickets is
planned. Currently Holding BDZ EAD and National Railway Infrastructure Company are...
Stanislav Dotchev is the new CEO of "Bulgarian Posts" EAD
The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Nikolina Angelkova appointed a new CEO of
"Bulgarian Posts" - Stanislav Dotchev. He has extensive experience in logistics, and...