MT Puts into Operation 17 Specialized Automobiles for Road Control 24.11.2006
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The ministry of Transport puts officially 17 specialized automobiles for road control. These cars are granted to our country by a project on the PHARE program – “Effective Functioning of the Control System for Driving Time Control on the Road, Breaks and Rest on the Road and in the Companies”. EA”Automobile Administration” is an end user of the work project.

The event will take place on November 27, at 11am, in the Ministry of Transport. After the official presentation of the project the guests will have the opportunity to see the mobile laboratories, which will be parked in front of the Ministry. At the same time will be demonstrated also the new uniforms of the Inspectors staff of EA”Automobile Administration”.

The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev, The Minister of Finance Plamen Oresharski, The Chairman of the Parliament Commission on Transport and Telecommunications Jordan Mirchev, Parliament deputies, The Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bulgaria Michael Humphreys, The German Ambassador in Bulgaria Michael Geier, the Ambassador of France Yves Saint-Geours, as well as experts from the Ministry of Transport will attend the ceremony.


For additional information:
Kostadin Vardev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 20

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