Minister Mutafchiev Met His German Colleague 10.12.2006
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The Minister of Transport met the Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Public Works of the Federal Republic of Germany Wolfgang Tiefensee. The German Transport Minister presented the priorities, regarding the German presidency of EU from January 1, 2007.

"We would like to develop the railway transport, which volume is constantly growing up, and also to create united and harmonized European transport space, where the economical and ecological requirements will be observed. One of the main accents we will put on the safety and security of all kinds of transport, including the introduction of new technologies", said Minister Tiefensee.

In June 2007 Germany will initiate a special forum, connected with these questions.

Minister Tiefensee expressed his satisfaction from the good work of Bulgaria and Germany.

Minister Mutafchiev expressed his hope that with the mutual efforts of all EU member countries the program will be accomplished.

Also discussed were the interaction and the cooperation in the fields of the railway transport, air transport and infrastructure.

The main accent was put on the interaction between the railways of the two countries in the field of the passengers transport and the concrete support for the fulfillment of their further integration in the railway system of Europe.

Minister Mutafchiev emphasized the exclusively good collaboration with the German association for technical cooperation GTZ. As a result of a joint project, three roentgen devices have been provided for the new airport terminal of Sofia Airport.

 A common project between Bulgaria and Germany for aviation security is currently running. For the year 2007 a project for aviation safety in the civil aviation is being planed; the specifying of criteria for company selection for accomplishment of activities for securing of passengers and luggage, according to the best European practices and the development and introduction of a common national test for competency valuation of employees who are accomplishing the passengers and luggage check.                

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