Program for Traffic Safety Improvement Was Signed Today 18.12.2006
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Plan - Program for traffic improvement in 2007 was signed by the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev, The Minister of Interior Rumen Petkov and The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Asen Gagauzov. The event took place today, December 18, 2006 in the Ministry of Transport.

The Program consists of five basic sections:

I. Improvement of the road infrastructure.

II. Enhancement of the driver's qualification.

III. Technical condition and exploitation conditions control of the Vehicles.

IV. Increase of the self-governing regional organs role, and the role of the public organizations.

V. Taking measures for joining the European organizations, from side of the administrative structures of MT and MVR, which are accomplishing the following activities:

  • Control on the road and in the companies;
  • Caring out the examinations of candidates for vehicle driving qualification improvement;
  • Periodical inspection of the vehicles technical capacity.

For additional information:
Kostadin Vardev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 20

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