Actual Questions Connected with the Automobile Transport Were Discussed Today 04.01.2007
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The Deputy Minister of Transport Georgi Peterneitchev, the Director-Executive of Executive Agency "Automobile Administration" Volodia Kirov, the Deputy Executive-Directors of EA "Automobile Administration" Krasimir Kalaidjiev and Liubomir Hristov, as well as the head of sector "Claims on TIR Carnets" of AEBTRI Viliana Ivanova answered today questions of journalists from the field of automobile transport, connected with our joining to the European Union. During the meeting the main priorities from the period before the EU annexation were also reminded.

The normative order, which regulates the automobile transport, was put in accordance with the European legislation (Regulations and Directives).

The Ministry of Transport respectively the EA "AA" created the necessary organization for submission of declarations, their processing and giving of licenses in time to the carriers. The admission started on November 10, 2006. Till now 2320 licenses have been given and only 1595 carriers have shown an interest to receive them at once.

295 declarations with 3063 automobiles have been submitted in EA "AA" to receive EKMT/CEMT licenses. 47 companies, which did not respond to the requirements of the Order of the Minister of Transport, were not allowed to the allocation.

From January 1, 2007 the Ministry of Transport, respectively EA"AA", increased their administrative capacity through augmentation of the number of the inspectors and experts personnel, including heads of examinations commissions. This will increase the effectiveness of the examination activities of the mobile laboratories, which were put into operation in the end of the year 2006. Regarding the technical requirements towards the vehicles, after the EU annexation there are no further, increased requirements.

According to the last changes of the Automobile Transportation Low no age limitations regarding the vehicles for public transportation of passengers and freights are being foreseen with exception of the taximeter automobiles.

For additional information:
Kostadin Vardev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 20

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