SE “Transport Construction and Recovery” Will Celebrate on Sunday Its Anniversary 12.01.2007
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State Enterprise "Transport Construction and Recovery" will celebrate, on January 14, 2007 the 5th anniversary from its reorganization and 119th anniversary from the foundation of the first military railway unit.

With the activity of its units and construction districts, situated on the territory of the whole country, SE "TCR" continues the traditions of the Transport Troops, which has already 114 years of history.

Founded in 1888 by Prince Ferdinand the Transport Troops are working on the exploitation, construction and recovery of the railway lines on the territory of the country, on the battle-field, during the Balkan wars (1912-1913), The First World War and the Fatherland War (1944-1945).

In the time of peace the MTT are being developed according to the economical and the military potential of Bulgaria and are working on building sites, where no other organization is capable to fulfill the tasks. During the period 1965 - 1974, in connection with the enlargement and the reconstruction of the railway system, 1140 kilometers of railway lines are built or recovered, 3200 kilometers of telephone and telegraph lines installed and 244 different building projects are also constructed.

In the following decades Transport Troops are the backbone of the construction of our railway transport modern infrastructure. They are doubling and electrifying more than 950 kilometers of railway lines, accomplishing a reconstruction of 7450 kilometers railway, constructing more than 40 km highway, many kilometers of tramway and trolley lines, hundreds of kilometers of lines in the energy complex "Maritsa Iztok". Transport Troops are the main executor of all stages of BDZ rehabilitation program.

As a inheritor of this long standing experience and traditions, SE "TCR" today is combining the efforts of a qualified leading, engineer, end executive personnel, with the capabilities of a high productive and modern technics and mechanization and guaranties the high quality and safety of the railway and the road building and recovery, as well as all other constructing and installation works.


For additional information:
Vera Deianova, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 95 34


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