The second phase of the project Vessel Traffic Management and Information System – Phase 2 – VTMIS-2 started today in Varna. The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev, the Deputy Minister of Transport Daniela Nikiforova, the Director-Executive of EA” Maritime Administration” captain Nikolai Apostolov, the Director of Directorate “Maritime Administration” Varna captain Parvanov and maritime administration experts attended the event. Gests of the event were representatives of the French-Greek consortium “Sofrelog-Marak”- executor of the project. The contract with them was signed on May 30, 2006.
The system VTMIS is intended to ensure the safety of the ship traffic, the protection of the people, also to increase the effectiveness of the ports and the water ways, and to preserve the environment.
The ensuring of secure navigation is the main goal. The availability of precise information for the vessels, for their dislocation and navigation parameters turns the system into very valuable source of information for the navy, for the coast guard, for the custom authorities and also for the environment protection.
The first stage of the system was built in 2004. The goal of the second phase of the system is to develop further the existing vessel traffic management system in order to fulfill the requirements of the European Standards for strengthen of the navigation safety.
VYMIS-2 has been financed with 2,5 millions Euros by the PHARE program and with 860000 Euro Bulgarian Co-financing. The Greek part of the consortium is responsible for the construction part of the project. According to the program, the equipment of the existing points shall be finished and six new shall be built:
1. Balcic 2 2. Varna – West /Trakata/ 3. Fichoza 4. Beloslav 2 5. Oil-Port Burgas 6. Pomorie
Three of the radars will be situated in Burgas and the last will be located in Varna bay, also in the area called Trakata, in Beloslav, Balcic and at the entrance of the sea-lake channel. The most powerful radar will be located in the area of Fichoza and will ensure the observation up to Kaliakra gore. During the opening, Minister Mutafchiev said that this is a modern system, which place us among the most advanced countries and a step ahead, compared with the other countries from the Black sea region. He also said that Bulgaria is the first country to implement a system with such a potential. Minister Mutafchiev emphasized that Bulgaria as a member country of the European Union wants to use the capacity of VTMIS, in order to increase the navigation safety of the Black sea region and thereby to support the cooperation between them. This will be useful for the good neighborly relations with all of them.
For additional information: Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre, Ministry of Transport Phone: 940 96 25 E-Mail: ggrozdeva@mt.government.bg