Minister Mutafchiev Met Representatives of Leading Czech Companies 30.03.2007
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev met today representatives of leading Czech railway transport companies. They are part of the delegation, visiting Bulgaria on official three days visit, leaded by the chairman of the Czech Senate Prjemisl Sobotka. The Bulgarian Minister of Transport discussed with AŽD Praha, ŽPSV, OHL ŽS and KPM Consult the eventual cooperation in the future between Bulgarian and Czech firms in the railway sector. The representatives of the Czech Business presented the possibilities for railway transport equipment supply, as well as railway building materials and transport signal-telecommunication equipment supply.

Minister Mutafchiev expressed his satisfaction, that the Czech firms are showing willingness for cooperation, know-how granting and accomplishing of common projects, aiming to develop the Bulgarian railway sector. Peter Mutafchiev assured those present, that the development of the railway transport and especially the modernization of the infrastructure on the key European destinations is a priority in the work of the ministry.


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