Four international consortiums submitted their offers for the Projecting Execution and the building of the railway road and the le3ctrification of the section “Parvomay – Dimitrovgrad- Simeonovgrad-Harmanli- Svilengrad –Greek-Turkish Boundaries. The public opening of the submitted offers took place at 15 o’clock in the Ministry of Transport, in the presence of representatives from the offering companies.
The projecting and constructing of the section is a second phase of the project ”Reconstruction and Electrification of the railway line Plovdiv – Svilengrad – Greek/Turkish boundary”. The sector has one length of 104 km. and will give the possibility, the trains to reach the speed 160 km/h. The accomplishment of the first phase – the railway section Plovdiv – Parvomay with length 37.7 km. is already in progress. The tender procedure was announced on December 20, 2006. The final date for submission of the offers expired today in 12 o’clock Bulgarian time. The procedure is being carried out on the regulations of the European Commission.
Offers submitted:
• Società italiana per condotte d-aqua S.p.A. - 299 462 727 Euro;
• ALSTOM (DOTSAT Consortium) + TSO + DOGUS – 377 294 868 Euro;
• ASTALDI S.p.A. – 162 537 388 Euro;
• OHL ZS, a.s. (Maritsa Express Joint Venture) + LEONHARD WEISS GmbH&Co. KG + H.F. Wiebe GmbH&Co. KG + HERMANN KIRCHNER – 398 644 452 Euro;
The project for reconstruction and electrification of the railway line Plovdiv – Svilengrad has the status of construction site with national importance and is one of the main infrastructure projects of the Bulgarian Government. It will increase the competitiveness of the railway transport in our country and its faster integration with the European transport network.
The project is part of the European transport corridors IV and IX and is being accomplished with the financial support of the European Commission. Means are granted by ISPA EU program – 153 000 000 millions Euro, the European Investment Bank – 150 000 000 millions Euro – loan and 37 millions Euro from the state budget.
For additional information: Vera Deianova, Press Centre, Ministry of Transport Phone: 940 95 34 E-Mail: vdeianova@mt.government.bg