Eight Companies Submitted Their Offers for the Building of the Adjoining Infrastructure of Danube Bridge 2 21.05.2007
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Eight companies – international consortiums submitted their offers for executor of the building of the adjoining road and railway infrastructure of the new bridge over the river Danube, near Vidin – Kalafat.

The public opening of the offers took place today, at 14 o’clock in the Building of the Ministry of Transport, in the presence of candidate’s representatives.

The following companies/consortiums submitted their offers:

• International consortium, leaded by the Turkish “Dogush” with partner, the French “TCO”;
• International consortium, leaded by the Spanish “KOPASA” and partner the Bulgarian “GLAVBOLGARSTROI”;
• The Czech “OHL JC”;
• The Greek “Terna”
• The Spanish “Konstruktora Hispanica” ;
• Czech consortium, leaded by “Subtera , with partner “Metroslav”;
• International consortium leaded by the German “DIVIDAD International”, with partners – the German “WIBE” and “Heitcamp”;

The tender procedure was announced on December 20, 2006. The time for submitting the offers expired today, at 12 o’clock. The procedure is being carried out according to the rules of the European commission.

The building of the adjoining infrastructure is the second lot of the project “Building of new Bridge over the river Danube, between Bulgaria and Rumania, near Vidin – Kalafat”, financed by the EU ISPA program (70 Millions Euro), co-financed by the EIB – 70 millions Euro, KfW 20,045 Millions Euro, AFD – 5 millions Euro, and the Bulgarian state budget – 60,76 millions Euro.
The range of the building works includes the construction of a new freight railway station and 7 kilometers of railway line, the reconstruction of the existing passenger’s railway station and the building of 4 road junctions on two levels.

The execution of the first lot – projecting and constructing of the combined bridge is already assigned to the Spanish company FCC and is in progress.

The project for building of the new combined bridge over the river Danube between Bulgaria and Rumania near Vidin – Kalafat has the statute of building project with national importance and is one of the biggest infrastructure projects of the Bulgarian government, accomplished by the Ministry of Transport. The goal is to achieve a considerable opening of the Bulgarian transport system and its integration in the European transport networks, as well as an increase of the transport services quality and strengthen of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economic.

The project is part of the 4th pan-European corridor and has a key importance for the whole Southeast transport axis of Europe and of the trans-European transport network, with the possibilities for combined transport and for transfer of some amount of traffic from road to railway.

For additional information:
Vera Deianova, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 95 34
E-Mail: vdeianova@mt.government.bg

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