“Problems and Perspectives for the Water Transport Development” is the theme of the round table, which will take place in Burgas on September 17th, 2007 - hotel “Burgas”. The Ministry of Transport, “The Scientific-Technical Association on Transport” and Port Burgas, as well as EA “Port Administration” and EA “Maritime Administration” are promoter of the event.
Representatives of the Transport administration, companies and organizations, which are using the services and the advantages of the sea and river transport, to handle domestic and international transportations, participated in the forum.
Reports will be presented by the Deputy Minister of Transport Daniela Nikiforova, EA “Maritime Administration” Nikolai Apostolov and The Director-Executive of EA “Port Administration” Captain Peicho Manolov.
The norms and the requirements of the EU towards the water transport, as well as the state policy regarding the development of the sea and the river transport will be discussed during the forum. One of the topics will be the requirements for successful and fast accomplishment of the infrastructure projects. Special attention will be given to the applying of the European criteria and standards for protection of the sea and river areas and the changing the exterior of the coastal regions, with new possibilities for recreation and tourism.
Part of the priorities of the water transport is the inclusion of our sea and fluvial ports in the international chains for container und multimodal transport, in order to attract bigger freight streams to the domestic and the international transportations.
For additional information: Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre, Ministry of Transport Phone: 940 96 25 E-Mail: ggrozdeva@mt.government.bg |