Commission in the Ministry of Transport is Keeping a Close Watch on the Situation at Sofia Airport 22.11.2007
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  Commission in the Ministry of Transport, is watching closely the situation at Sofia Airport, resulted by a dense fog.

The landing visibility for category II, on Sofia Airport, is under the minimum since 19.10 o'clock, November 21, 2007. The horizontal visibility has been 150-200 meters, and the permissible minimum for category II is above 350 meters. In case of visibility enhancement above 350 meters the airplanes equipped with appliances for category II will be able to accomplish landings. According to the meteorological prognosis the chances, the weather conditions to change in the following two days are slim.

The certificate for exploitation ability of the system for instrumental landing (ILS) of Sofia Airport is for category II, given after ground and flying examinations, accomplished in September 2007.

An order has been given to the airports in Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas to make an high level organization for traffic reception according to their possibilities, as well as to contact the air companies, in order to receive in time information.

Sofia airport appeals to the air companies to afford an in time information in case of flight changes, in order to inform in time the passengers and the meeting persons.

The decisions for flight canceling and usage of reserve airports shell be taken by the air companies.

After 13.58 o'clock, today, there is a better visibility on Sofia Airport and the airport is open for landing airplanes.

For Additional Information:
Yasen Zarev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 94 85

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