The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev Met in Varna Representatives of the Maritime Branch 01.04.2008
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev met in Varna today representatives of the maritime Branch. He discussed with them the frequent cases of detained Bulgarian ships in foreign ports. Minister Mutafchiev declared his determination for elimination of this problem and also emphasized the necessity of clear determination of the responsibilities of the ship-owners, of "Navigation Maritime Bulgare" EAD, EA "Maritime Administration" and the "Bulgarian Register of Shipping AD", in order to prevent further aggravation of the situation.

The Director-Executive of EA"Maritime Administration" Nikolai Apostolov reported that an extraordinary audit in "Navigation Maritime Bulgare" EAD will be carried out. He also assured that EA MA will strengthen the control, in order to eliminate the problems with our vessels. It became also clear that those, responsible for the omissions have been already penalized. Changes in the legislation will be also undertaken, in order to increase the sanctions for the ship-owners whose vessels have been detained.

The proposal of the Ministry of Transport for tax-preferences for the Bulgarian seamen, who are sailing under Bulgarian or EU Flag, was also presented on the meeting. Work group with the participation of the Ministry of Transport representatives will debate different variants, as the topic needs to be discussed and the final variant will be introduced to the Ministry of Finance and the Parliament. 

Minister Mutafchiev proposed a special fund for financial support for the families of perished and impaired sailors to be established. Representatives of the Maritime branch - "Bulgarian Register of Shipping" AD, Bulgarian Association of the Ship Brokers and Agents" The Bulgarian Association of the Ship-owners, as well as the syndicate organizations joined in the initiative.

The Minister of Transport met also the relatives of the seamen from "HERA", which sunk near the Bosporus. He assured them that he will insist a new examination of the relics of "HERA" to be carried out, which will help for the prompt clarifying of the circumstances which caused the tragic accident.

For additional information:
Krasimir Mutafchiev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 9409525


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