Executive Agency Automobile Administration to Prepare a Plan for Optimization of the Existing Republican Scheme 29.07.2009
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Executive Agency Automobile Administration together with the branch organizations should prepare new principles and mechanisms for optimization of the existing republican transport scheme, as well as to make suggestions for the discontinuing of approved route schedules according to the current regulations. This ordered the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov.

The discontinuing of route schedules will be performed only in cases, where within six months after their approval, decision for contracting has not been taken by the municipality council.    

The improvement of the training quality and the exclusion of the subjective factors, when acquiring a driving license is the other task, which the team of the agency will take up. It will also be responsible for the improvement and the guarantee of the road traffic safety. For this purpose it will be necessary to determine measures for the improvement of the rules, the conditions for the tuition and the exam itself.

The current normative base in the field of automobile transport should be reconsidered and changes in the normative acts should be suggested. This will eliminate the possibility for ficticious regular technical examinations of road transport means. One of the measures should be the personalization of the responsibility of the technician who is accomplishing the regular technical examination.

The preparation of all this suggestions and measures should be carried out together with the branch organizations of the automobile transport up to September 15th 2009.

Minister Tsvetkov appointed the former deputy executive director Lyubomir Hristov as temporary executive director of the agency.

For additional information:
Vera Deianova, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technollogy
and Communications
Phone: 940 95 34
E-Mail: vdeianova@mt.government.bg

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