MTITC Experts Inspected the Airplane Accomplishing Flight on the Route Sofia – Varna on August 24th 25.08.2009
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In connection with the reports in the mass-media for technical problem in the airplane accomplishing flights on the route Sofia - Varna in 19.50 on August 24, 2009, the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications informs that:

After the receipt of information, submitted in accordance with the regulations, for technical problem, which has appeared shortly before the flight of airplane LZHBG, the Director of Directorate "Investigation of Accidents in the Air -, Railway-, and Maritime Transport" together with inspectors from the specialized Unit for investigation of aviation incidents has made an inspection, as well as physical examination of the airplane and the engine.

The inspection authorities found that:

  • One of the engines has given a signal for technical failure;
  • There is no registered indication for fire; the fire alarm has been not activated;
  • There was no necessity for emergency evacuation, and the passengers have been never evacuated;
  • The passengers have been informed promptly about the technical problem;
  • In accordance with the common European practice, Flight FB977 has been accomplished with the reserve airplane of the company and none of the 59 passengers has refused the flight;
  • Forthcoming is the clarification of the cause for the technical failure;
  • All actions taken correspond to the regulations and the standards of the European Aviation Safety Agency ( EASA)

For additional information:
Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
and Communications
Phone: 940 96 25

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