MTITC Prepares a New Plan for the Introduction of Broadband Internet 14.10.2009
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  The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications /MTITC/ finalizes a new plan for the development of the infrastructure of the broadband Internet in the whole country. This will include specific actions, deadlines and ways to reach results. The plan will be discussed with representatives of the IT sector and the general public. The Deputy-Minister Parvan Rusinov stated this today at a forum about the development of the field of information technology. The forum was organized for members of the government, the business, the associations and the media and was hosted by Cisco Bulgaria.


Broadband Internet is a critical infrastructure and the lack of it presents an obstacle for the social and economic integration of the less developed regions. The investments in this field may lead to a significant increase of the GDP. It may also lead to job opportunities, improved administration, efficiency in the use of time and resources for the companies and the citizens and an improved democratic political system.


MTITC is supported by all government members in its efforts to coordinate the realization of this project, added Rusinov. The Cabinet is behind us regarding the field of information technology. Rusinov also added that such strategic documents have been prepared before but it is the political goodwill that is important now. The Deputy Minister urged the business to be an active supporter of the government in such major for the whole country projects.


The Director of Cisco Bulgaria, Peter Ivanov said that he welcomed the vision of the new government in the field of information technology and communications. Milena Angelova, a representative of the Association of Industrial Capital expressed her opinion that today's discussion was a hopeful indication that finally there would be a working strategy in the field.


For additional information:
Emilia Philcheva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
and Communications
Phone: (02)940 94 34


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