Fast-Speed Internet Levels the Playfield for the Disabled and the People Living in Small Villages 25.11.2009
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The national broadband strategy approved by the Council of Ministers today will encourage the development of infrastructure for fast-speed Internet across the country as well as the use of online administration, medical, legal and educational services. The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov stated at a press conference today that for the 2010-2013 timeframe, there are actions planned that will level the playfield for the people living in remote areas as well as for the disabled whose homes many times are the most well-adjusted work places.


The strategy will provide for an initial push for investment projects from the businesses in the smaller towns. For every infrastructure project, there will be an individualized approach in accordance to the specific character of the area. For the pilot networks, the choice will fall on towns with the highest business and demographics potential but without available services.


With such an approach, in the year 2010 pilot projects could be started in 26 towns (with average population of 20 000 people) or the grand total of 520 000 people. Minister Tsvetkov also emphasized that in the year 2011 new projects may be started to cover up to 50 towns with the total population of 760,000.


The financing for the execution of this part of the strategy is set in the Operation Programme "Regional Development." The purpose is for the co-financing from the private partners to reach up to 50% when assimilating the funds.


The development of content services is an important stimulus for the use of broadband access. For example, a major mechanism for government influence is the creation and integration of comprehensive services for e-governance on central and local level - in the areas of health services, education, social issues, administrative services, justice, etc. Funds for the execution of such projects are available through the Operation Programme "Administrative Capacity."


The strategy takes into consideration the need to popularize the advantages of broadband services. Part of the actions specified in the document include having information days in certain regions and providing methodological assistance for the citizens and the businesses at the information centers or by nongovernmental and businessorganizations.


For additional information:
Emilia Philcheva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
and Communications
+ 359 2  940 94 34



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  • e-services
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