MTITC Announces a Poll for the National Domain Name in Cyrillic 04.12.2009
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The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) has announced on its web page a poll about the choice of symbols to be used for the national domain name in Cyrillic.


  • The name needs to be at least two letters long, at least one of which to be visually different from the Latin alphabet;
  • the symbols need to be literally and directly associated with the name of the country;
  • the name needs to be different from the already existing symbols of other countries and territories.


The suggestions are expected until 31 December 2009. Two of the participants in the inquiry who give a valid name and address will receive awards from MTITC - personal electronic signatures. The certificates will be formally given by Minister Aleksandar Tsvetkov in the beginning of 2010.


The inquiry is part of MTITC's policy of transparency, allowing for the citizens to take part in the important decision-making processes. The Ministry works with organizations and recognized experts in the field on all issues of national and social interest.


In connection to the start of the accelerated procedure for registering Internet domain names for countries using alphabets based on scripts other than Latin, MTITC has planned to organize a round table on questions related to the new domain names of the countries in the beginning of 2010.



For additional information:
Emilia Philcheva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
and Communications
+ 359 2  940 94 34


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