The Operational Programme on Transport Received a Positive Compliance Assessment from the European Commission 10.02.2010
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The Operational Programme on Transport received a positive compliance assessment from the European Commission today. What we will do from now on is to keep up the good level of work maintained by the current MTITC team, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov.


Following the positive assessment, the Operational Programme on Transport has the whole amount of 2 billion euros in the planned budget at its disposal. “235 million leva from this amount have already been contracted. Unfortunately, up until August 2009, the absorption of the structural funds was merely 1, 5 percent and there were barely any projects completed. The only project was the Sofia Metro. There already are projects for river information system, for the reconstruction of the train line Plovdiv-Burgas, which will allow for the raising of the train speed up to 160 km/h, as well as for the project for Trakia motorway,” added Minister Tsvetkov.


OP “Transport” is the operational programme with the largest budget in Bulgaria – 2 003 481 163.68 euros. The goal of OPT is the development of the railway, road and waterway infrastructure, as well as the stimulation of mixed transport in accordance with the European Union’s transport policy and the established requirements for the development of the Trans-European transport network for achieving stability of the Bulgarian transport system.



For additional information:
Milan Martinov, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
and Communications
            + 359 2 940 96 25       

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