Sergei Tzarnakliyski opened а conference on intermodal transport 26.10.2010
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Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" Sergei Tzarnakliyski opened today the first national meeting on the project "Transnational Network for the Promotion of Water-Land Multimodal Transport " - WATERMODE. The theme of the forum, organized by the executive agency, was "Intermodal transport - key factor for the development in Southeastern Europe

The WATERMODE project is implemented under the Operational Programme for Cross Border Cooperation "South East Europe 2007 - 2013. Its main objective is to promote coordination between public and private partners, dealing with logistics and spatial planning, to highlight the potential of the waterways that cross the region and contribute to the full integration of maritime transport logistics chain. Its value is € 3,193,500, of which € 2,461,600 is from the European Regional Development Fund, and € 252,875 is from the Programme for financial support of the candidate countries for EU membership. 

The main sponsor is the Venice port, and among the other participants are Maritime Administration, Port Administration Levante, European Centre for Business and Innovation (Greece), National Company "Seaports" (Romania), Association of Industrialists in Hungary, port Koper (Slovenia), port of Durres (Albania) Port Bar (Montenegro), University of Novi Sad (Serbia) and others. 

During the conference were presented transnational network for multimodal transport, the competitiveness of the multimodal transport with a water component; general procedures for safety training of human resources employed in ports and logistics centers and details of multimodal logistics terminals in the region of the project. Topics were discussed in container transport in the Black Sea region, development of intermodal transport, optimization of connection ports with the hinterland and more. 

The forum was attended by specialists from the private sector and public administration in the field of multimodal transport.

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