Bulgaria Received a Proposal to be Included in a Joint Project with China and Turkey for High-Speed Asia-Europe Rail 28.10.2010
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Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Alexandar Tsvetkov held today in Beijing a series of meetings with the Minister of Transport of the Republic of China Li Shanlin, Minister of Railways of China Liu Dzhadzyun and leading Chinese companies.

Minister Alexandar Tsvetkov was offered by the Minister of Railways Liu Dzhadzyun Bulgaria to join a joint project with China and Turkey for high-speed rail transportation. Yet are to start the negotiations and consultations at a technical level to prepare the signing in December of the tripartite agreement.

Minister Tsvetkov presented the opportunities for investment in the transport infrastructure in Bulgaria. During the talks was decided to create a contact group because of the real interest on China’s part.

Minister Alexandar Tsvetkov presented Bulgaria, the economic situation and investment opportunities in transport infrastructure in the country to journalists from China Radio, Radio Beijing and the Economic Daily News.

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