During the General Assembly of the European Organisation of Seaports (ESPO) k.d.p. Stefan Neychev, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the State Enterprise Port Infrastructure was nominated for a National Representative on the Executive Committee of the Organization for the period 2010-2012. The General Assembly by an absolute majority reelected the incumbent President of ESPO Victor Shyonmekars (Netherlands) and the two vice presidents Manuel Martin Gomez (Spain) and Julian Skelnik (Poland). On November 9, 2010 was given the second annual award of ESPO - a project which supports the Community integration of ports. The award received the port of Helsinki, Finland. The Bulgarian side in the forum was attended by the Chairman of the Board of SEPI Miroslav Milanov, Vice-Chairman of the Board k.d.p. Stefan Neychev and the CEO of the company Georgi Genchev, in their capacity as delegates of the General Assembly of ESPO.