Deputy Minister Ivailo Moskovski presides at the ninth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Operational Programme “Transport” 10.12.2010
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A meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Operational Programme “Transport”, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivailo Moskovski, took place on 9-10 December.

It was decided € 60 million from Priority Axis II (Development of railway infrastructure along the major national and Pan-European transport axes) to be transferred to Priority Axis I, which will include not only the development of railway infrastructure but the development of sustainable city rail transport. With these changes Metropolitan PLC becomes eligible beneficiary under this Axis and actually from it will be financed the completion of the Sofia underground (from Obelia to Nadezda and from Mladost 1 to Tzarigradsko road). In the new project of the underground is provided the purchase of a new rolling-stock.

During the forum were discussed issues on the development of the Operational Programme. It was suggested the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company to become a beneficiary under Priority Axis III “Improvement of intermodality for passenger and freight”. The project that was proposed by them is the so called “Super Bourgas” (an area for public access located at the Port of Bourgas). The purpose of the project is the unification of three types of transport – rail, automobile and maritime. The project will be completed in two phases. It is foreseen the first phase to be finished during this programming period. Its indicative budget is on the total value of € 30 million and it will cover the area of the port of Bourgas-East between first and fourth ship berth. At this location is foreseen to be established an International Maritime Station (cruise terminal), parking lot and green areas. The existing infrastructure will be rehabilitated so that the port will be opened for the visitors of the city.

It is discussed the possibility the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to be included as beneficiary under Priority Axis IV “Technical Assistance”. This is necessary because of its functions as part of the coordination and communication process between the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and the Agency “Road Infrastructure”.

We work to make up for the large delays in Operational Programme “Transport” but not always things are going with the speed we want. I hope after these changes in the Programme to be able to demonstrate better results, said Deputy Minister Ivailo Moskovski.

Deputy Minister Ivailo Moskovski announced that in the Managing Authority was received a request from Bulgarian State Railways to be included as a beneficiary under Operational Programme “Transport”. This issue will be discussed and the opportunities will be considered, added the Deputy Minister.

Representatives of the European Commission, the executive and local authorities, NGO, as well as syndicates attended the meeting of the Monitoring Committee.

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  • e-services
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  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
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