The Deputy Minister Ivailo Moskovski summarized the results achieved in the transport sector under ISPA 22.01.2011
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67 km of railway lines, 7 railway stations, 205 km of roads I-class, 39 km highway (without Lulin highway) and a terminal built at Sofia Airport. This is a summary report about the work realized in the transport sector under ISPA to the end of 2010, presented by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivailo Moskovski to the Monitoring Committee.

The work about the three projects is under implementation. 60 % of the construction and 53 % of the adjoining infrastructure on the project for a construction of a bridge over the Danube River at Vidin-Kalafat are realized. The resources spent on these projects are over 115 million €, said Ivailo Moskovski. It is expected to be resolved in the next months the problem about the extraction of loos of the Spanish company, said the Deputy Minister. During the meeting became clear that it would be received soon the response of the European Commission about the demand for prolongation of the time for a use of European resources for Danube bridge 2 to the end of 2012. 

About the railway project Plovdiv-Svilengrad is realized 90 % of the construction on phase 1 Krumovo-Parvomai and the resources spent amount to 87 million €. 70 % of the construction work on phase 2 Parvomai-Dimitrovgrad are realized and amount to 47 million euro. For the rest of the road-bed – from Dimitrovgrad to Svilengrad there is a prepared application form for funding under the Operational Programme “Transport”, considered in the European Commission.

94 % of the financial implementation and 96 % implementation of the construction activities on Lulin highway, reported by the Road Infrastructure Agency. It is expected the construction work to finish until May, 15, 2011.

Representatives of the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, the Central Coordination Unit in the cabinet council, the managing agencies, the intermediate team, the project beneficiaries took part in the Monitoring Committee under ISPA.


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