Bulstat registers, the personal data, the birth certificates will be fully automated within the framework of a project under OPAC 25.01.2011
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Bulstat registers, death certificates, birth certificates, certificates of marriage, the personal data, the properties and the cadastre are part of the 100 services that will be fully automated in the framework of the project “Development of electronic administrative services”. The project will be realized with the financial support of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” and will be co-financed by the EU through the European Social Fund. This notes the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications on a round table with business organizations in the field of the information and communication technologies. The discussion was organized in connection with the implementation of the project.

The projection of the services is in an advanced stage and after the election of executor there is readiness to start their implementation.  The improvement of the selected services will reduce the time for their implementation. For example the Registry Agency issues about 260,000 certificates every year, connected with the Law on the cadastre and property register. After the introduction of the eGovernance for interdepartmental control of the respective information these documents won’t be necessary.

Other objectives of the project are changes in the normative order that will facilitate the introduction of the eGovernance as well as the training of employees from the central and municipal administration.

The representatives of the business organizations highly appreciated the presented system approach and a vision for implementation of the project. They declared a desire for closer cooperation in the discussion of concrete impending steps in the field of the eGovernance.

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