The Deputy Minister Kichev presented the state of the two railway companies 15.02.2011
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The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Kamen Kichev, the Executive Director of the Bulgarian State Railways Pencho Popov and the Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) Milcho Lambrev presented the state of the two railway companies as well as the reforms that are to be made in order to stabilize the companies.

The Deputy Minister Kamen Kichev said that with the decision of the Council of Ministers would be grant 140 million levs for the Bulgarian State Railways. This amount is the first part of the impending 460 million levs that are a loan by the World Bank. This is a serious engagement for the development of the national carrier Bulgarian State Railways made by the state, said the Deputy Minister Kichev.

In the case of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) the loan by the World Bank will be approximately 140 million levs and will be used to buy an equipment for mechanization of the track.

A social package of measures for stabilization of the two companies is made. These measures were presented to the social partners. The proposals will be discussed with them, said Kamen Kichev.

The Deputy Minister Kamen Kichev announced that the financial results of the Bulgarian State Railways “Cargo Carriages” for January this year are better than those for the same period of the last year. This shows reviving of the economy of the country and augmentation of the cargo. Also for the last year there were not unpaid salaries.

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