The government approved emergency measures to accelerate the E-Governance 23.02.2011
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The Council of Ministers approved emergency measures for accelerating of the E-governance. The report was proposed by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) in pursuance of the government resolution № 619 from 2010. It was foreseen all ministries and agencies to provide information for the number of services and the possibilities to be electronic these services.

Thirty-two percent of the administrative structures had submitted data and seventy-four percent of them had defined the services with highest social effect. Twelve percent do not provide services of the citizens and the business under the Administrative law. Four percent of the administration have declared that specificity of the services that they provide do not concede to be electronic.

Departments indicated that between 5 000 and 100 000 levs were necessary for the realization of the electronic services for a period between 12 and 18 months. These funds are not provided in the budgets of the organizations. 

MTITC proposed in the report urgent measures for accelerating development of the E-governance. These measures will underlie in the road map for implementation of the recently adopted strategy. The road map is to be adopted by the Council of Ministers in April at the latest.

One of the proposed measures is to simplify the normative order. The firs step was taken with the adoption of amendments in decrees to the Law on E-Governance. This will curtail vastly the time for putting into operation of E-services in the administration. The deadline for updating of the legal framework in the field of E-governance is 2012. By the end of 2012. A phased introduction of the electronic document turnover in the administrations should begin from June 2011 to 2013.

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