Under the aegis of Minister Tsvetkov starts the road safety campaign “Small and big together on the road” 18.03.2011
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A national road safety campaign starts today - “Small and big together on the road”. The campaign is under the aegis of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov and is organized by Volvo Bulgaria. The Deputy Executive Director of EA “Automobile Administration” Atanas Todorov took part in the official presentation of the initiative.

During the event Anastas Todorov said that on behalf of Automobile Administration there is a considerable growth of the control activity on the road by the beginning of the year. Since January, 1 up to now the inspectors of the agency have examined approximately 58 000 vehicles and 555 000 work days of drivers on the road, said Anastas Todorov. For the same period about 4 400 statements and criminal ordinances have been drawn up, and the sum of the criminal ordinances amounts to above 2 200 000 levs. That is much more than the same period of the last year, also said the Deputy Executive Director of EA “Automobile Administration”.

A demonstration of the “dead zone” of visibility of the trucks was made at the beginning of the campaign. The inspectors of EA ”Automobile Administration” and “Traffic Police” stopped heavy-freight automobiles and cars and gave away information brochures and labels to the drivers.

The initiative “Small and big together on the road” is realized under the aegis of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov with the support of EA “Automobile Administration”, “Traffic Police” to Sofia Directorate of Interior, Bulgarian Association of People Insured and Victims in Car Accidents as well as carriers branch organizations.

Its goal is to increase the information of the automobile drivers about the specific characters of vehicular traffic and the good practices for road safety. At the same time an appeal was addressed to the drivers of heavy-freight automobiles to be more tolerant to the cars, to make easier the traffic and to increase the general security on the road.

Within the framework of the campaign will be organized a series of public events and initiatives, will be issued an information brochure with advices to the drivers of cars and heavy-freight automobiles, will be organized an educational radio campaign and will be distributed 100 000 labels for cars with the message “I am tolerant what about you?”.



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