Minister Aleksandar Tsvetkov: We did a first real attack against the informal sector in the transport 31.03.2011
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The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov presented the results of the struggle against the underground transport. Minister Tsvetkov declared that for the first time was done a real attack against the informal sector in the transport branch. That is the real support for the automobile carriers in Bulgaria. These are completely illegal transports that cause a serious economic damage to the legal carriers, said also Minister Tsvetkov. He announced that from 1st March, when the changes in the Law on Automobile Transport come into force, up to now the inspectors of EA “Automobile Administration” have caught 63 automobiles for illegal transport. All of them have been taken off the road for 6 months. Their documents for registration and the front number plates have been withdrawn. One of these vehicles has a Spanish registration number. With this vehicle were done illegal transports of passengers, said also Minister Aleksandar Tsvetkov.

The number of the cars that are under detention is the largest – 34. With them were done illegal taxi transports. 18 of the automobiles with overthrown number plates are lorries. The reason for their detention is the accomplishment of transport without licence. 11 are the buses and the vans realizing transport of passengers without licence between villages.

In March 272 vehicles have been taken off the road temporarily. Their front number plates have been withdrawn. Between them 265 are foreign automobiles and 7 are accomplishing transport in the form of casual transport in the direction of Pernik – Sofia.

The sum total of the levied fines for the period from March 1, 2011 to March 30, 2011 amounts to 373 550 levs. 

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