The Executive Agency “Automobile Administration” has taken off the road 100 automobiles for illegal transportation 26.04.2011
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In two months, inspectors of EA “Automobile Administration” caught 100 automobiles accomplishing illegal transport of passengers and cargo. All have been taken off the road for 6 months. Their registration signs and registration documents were taken away.

The number of the caught cars is the biggest – 59. With them were accomplished illegal taxi transportations. 26 lorries were taken off the road for accomplishing illegal transport of cargo. 15 buses without licence were accomplished transport of passengers.

With the coming into operation of the Law on Automobile Transport, the inspectors of EA “Automobile Administration” are able to take off the road the automobiles accomplishing illegal transport. In case of first breach the automobile will be taken off the road for 6 months through suspension of the registration sign and the documents. In case of second breach the sanction is 12 months.

The other amendment in the law affords an opportunity for being taken off the road through the deprivation of the front registration sign:

- Automobiles that accomplish transport of passengers in the form of accidental transport;

- In case of breaches relevant to the accomplishment of international transport.

In case of these kind of breaches the registration signs are returned immediately after the payment of the imposed sanction.

From March, 1st up to now for similar irregularities are taken off the road 490 vehicles. Their registration signs have been taken down to the payment of the imposed sanction. 478 foreign automobiles have been endorsed as well as 12 automobiles accomplishing accidental transport.

The total amount of the collected fines from March, 1st up to now is 642 000 levs.


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