The rapid internet in the villages as well as the united state communication networks will provide technologically the E-Government 17.05.2011
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The rapid internet in the rural areas as well as the unification of the two state communication networks will provide technologically E-Government, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Parvan Rusinov at the round table discussion “National Telecommunications Infrastructure – a key factor for competitiveness”. The event was organized by three branch organizations – ICT Cluster, ASTEL and an Association of communication and information specialists.

Up to 2013 will be prepared and implemented the investment project for construction of broadband networks in remote and rural areas. The total value of the project amounts to 40 million levas provided under the Operational Programme “Regional Development”. Within the framework of this project another 60 municipalities will be connected to the public communication infrastructure, said Parvan Rusinov.

The two state communication networks are in process of unification. The increase of the capacity and the envelopment of the public electronic communication network is imminent after 2012.

All these planned measures will guarantee the technological security of the E-Government and the provision of quality administrative services to the citizens and the business by internet. The E-Government will provide more transparency and accountancy of the administration as well as inclusion of the citizens and the structures of the civil society in the governing processes, said in conclusion the Deputy Minister.

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