Minister Moskovski held his first meeting with the EU Ambassadors in Bulgaria 20.06.2011
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On June 20, 2011 the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Mr. Ivaylo Moskovski held his first meeting with the Ambassadors of the EU member states, accredited in Bulgaria. The meeting was organized by H.E. Mrs. Judith Lang, Ambassador of Hungary in Bulgaria. The meeting is in the framework of the regular dialogue of our country with the embassies of the EU member states.

Mrs. Lang offered condolence to all ambassadors on the occasion of the automobile accident that happened at the Tracia high road and took the life of 8 people on June, 15.

At the meeting the EU ambassadors became acquainted with the point of view of the new Bulgarian minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications on a number of important areas. Among the discussed topics was an initiation of measures for increase of the transport safety, a development of the transport as well as the possibility for use of the good European practices and an experience exchange in the transport field with a number of member states.

An attention was paid to the activity of MTITC in the area of Information Technology and E-Government as well as the activity in the frameworks of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

The EU Ambassadors became acquainted with the main challenges and difficulties that the railway sector in the country is facing with.

Minister Moskovski informed the ambassadors about the main priorities of the Government in the transport field as well as the main projects realized in the framework of the Operational Programme “Transport”. A priority for our country is the inter modality in the lorries and the completion of the project for construction of the second bridge over the Danube river between Bulgaria and Romania.

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  • e-services
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  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
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  • Digital Agenda for Europe
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