Minister Moskovski: The damages caused by the floods exceed 3 million 16.02.2012
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The broken dike and the floodings in the area have caused damages on the railway infrastructure  from Lyubimets to Harmanli and from Galabovo to Radnevo for over 3 million. This was announced by the Minister of Transpor, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski, after the examination of the construction and repair works on railway infrastructure. This amount does not include losses that the National Company "Railway Infrastructure" suffers from the loss due to the suspended motion.

Teams from the State Enterprise "Transport Construction and Rehabilitation" have already begun work on affected areas. According to Minister Moskovski damages  are so serious that it would take at least a month to restore movement in all directions to the Turkish border. In the section Harmanli-Lyubimets are affected over 900 m rail, and in Galabovo- Radnevo about 30 m from the line are in the air. Another 150 meters along Lyubimets-Svilengrad are affected too, but the lesions are smaller and the National Company "Railway Infrastructure" will work  on their removal.

Minister Moskovski visited the crisis center in the Biser village and committed to the locals to restore the transport infrastructure in the region, Internet and technology to be provided and postal services in the village to be improved.

This is the second visit of the Minister in the region within a week and it’s part of the action taken by the Ministry to support the settlements, which suffered most. He ordered passengers in this direction to be  transshipped from trains to buses, in areas where traffic is stopped and also "Bulgarian Posts" EAD to ship for free private donations to disaster areas.

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