Ban for truck movement during the holidays 05.04.2012
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On the proposal of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski there will be a ban for the movement of heavy trucks during the national holidays. The prohibition is effective for the upcoming Easter holidays, when there are four days off.

Traffic will be stopped from 16.00 to 22.00 on the day before the holiday and the last day of it. "This will significantly ease traffic and avoid congestion, but the most important objective remains the reduction of road accidents and ensuring the security of Bulgarian citizens," said Minister Moskovski. This ban will be active for the all holidays until the end of the year.

The ban for moving of heavy vehicles in the summer months, which was introduced on the initiative of the MTITC, also remains. It will be active in the period  May, 20 to  September,30 for Friday and Sunday ranged from 16.00 to 22.00. According to the Minister Moskovski this is necessary because during the summer months people take more trips and heavy road traffic accidents sharply increase.

Currently the country has 94 parking lots for heavy vehicles, but a few of them meet the security requirements, living conditions and services. There are about 20 critical sections where trucks and agricultural machinery regularly cause congestion and danger of road accidents. The busiest routes are Kalotina-Sofia-Kapitan Andreevo and Rousse-Veliko Tarnovo-Svilengrad-Kapitan Andreevo.

By order of the Minister at the beginning of this year, Executive Agency "Automobile Administration" increased its’ control activities. For the first quarter of 2012, the agency inspectors have compiled 5803 acts, which imposed sanctions for nearly 3 million BGN.

During the last special campaign of the joint teams of EA ”AA” and the Police, 254 taxis had been checked and 38 act of violations had been drawn.

“Inspections of taxis, trucks and vans are continuing day and night” said Minister Moskovski.

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