46% of cyber attacks are imitations of official pages of institutions and organizations 17.05.2012
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During 2011 and first quarter of 2012, 46% of cyber attacks on infrastructure and networks are called phishing emulate the official sites of major organizations and companies for fraud to their customers. This was announced by the Transport Minister,  Ivaylo Moskovski at the opening of the National Conference "Prevention, management and overcome of crisis consequences." 17% of cyber attacks aim  to steal confidential information. 3%  are designed to block the work of institutions. 7.7% were hacking mail servers.

Minister Moskovski stressed that whether cyber attacks are directed against business or against the government, the role and responsibility of the state, particularly the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) is increasig tremendously. Responsibilities of the Ministry include two types of critical infrastructure - transport and IT.

For several years, Bulgaria has a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). We already made first steps in organizing cyber exercises. Since early April in the Executive Agency "Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems" was created a new department "Response Center for information security related incidents."

As example for  international partnerships to protect critical infrastructures Ivaylo Moskovski said Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in cybersecurity (MoU) signed between MTITC, the State Agency for National Security and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
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