Realisation of Danube Bridge 2 has reached 82% 30.06.2012
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“Realisation of Danube Bridge 2 has reached 82%, while the financing under the contract – more than 90%”, Bulgarian Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski announced during the visit of the Vidin-Kalafat bridge. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, accompanied by European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn and Minister Tomislav Donchev, inspected to the construction of the Danube Bridge 2 project.

In minister’s words, the project will be finalised according to schedule and only some bad meteorological conditions could delay the official launching in exploitation. In his words, the traffic on the bridge will exceed 100 000 vehicles in the first year of the operation of the bridge. "Our country is ready for this traffic and work hard to prepare projects to implement in the coming years", he added.

Minister Moskovski  expects after completing the Danube Bridge 2 to continue the good cooperation with Romania and the two countries to build more such connections together. "This will improve both our regional contacts and transport links with the EU” he said.

Later the Minister participated in a discussion on Bulgaria's progress in implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the Roadmap for the joint Bulgarian-Romanian project for the development of navigation along the Danube river. Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications is working actively in this direction, except Danube Bridge 2, and projects implemented to improve navigation in the joint Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube river. Among them are the creation of BULRIS, improved navigation systems on the river and the design and implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS) for management of port infrastructure. All these projects are prepared and implemented under the "Operational Programme on Transport".


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