All trains serving the railroad line between the second largest city of Plovdiv and the town of Dimitrovgrad in southern Bulgaria can now travel with speeds up to 160 km/h. The news was announced by Transport Minister, Ivaylo Moskovski, during the official opening of the railway section. The ceremony was also attended by the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn, President, Rosen Plevneliev, Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, Regional Development Minister, Lilyana Pavlova,EU Funds Minister, Tomislav Donchev and Agriculture Minister, Miroslav Naydenov.
"Countries need investments in people, in small and medium enterprises and infrastructure for its development" said Commissioner Hahn. "We are part of the common European space and I am glad that we can add new section to the Trans-European Corridor IV", he added. According to Commissioner Hahn, the Bulgarian government was able to significantly increase the absorption of EU funds. "Bulgaria is recognized and valued member of the European Community," said Johannes Hahn. It ensures that in the next programming period will be sufficient budget to continue projects.
"Through our work together over 220 million were invested in rail infrastructure and I can say that this railway line meets all European requirements" said Minister Moskovski. Dozens of overpasses and underpasses are biult, silencing walls are placed, and 12 stations have been completely renovated until now. "Historical reference indicates that such large-scale works on the railway infrastructure hadn’t been performed in our country more than 30 years", the minister added.
"Here we can test the new sleeping wagons that we bought from Turkey" said Ivaylo Moskovski. He added that this is the right way for modernization of Bulgarian transport – moreprojects like this and clearly stated priorities. Minister Moskovski expressed his hope that people will keep the new facility, because vandalism and theft is a huge problem for our rail infrastructure.
Commissioner Hahn cutted the tape with Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Transport Minister , Ivaylo Moskovsky and EU Funds Minister, Tomislav Donchev during the opening ceremony of modernized railway stretch Plovdiv - Dimitrovgrad near the village of Katunitsa. After that officials and reporters had the opportunity to experience firsthand the new high-speed car Desiro and travel with 140 km/h. After the trip, Borisov handed to the CEO of the National Railroad Infrastructure Company, Milcho Lambrev, the official permit for the use of the section.
The line between Plovdiv and Dimitrovgrad is part of the project "Reconstruction and Modernization of the Plovdiv – Svilengrad (Greek and Turkish Border) Railroad." It is financed by the EU ISPA and Transport operational programs. The section is 67-km-long and allows speeds of 160 km/h for passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight ones.
It is expected that the section Svilengrad – Turkish Border will be completed by the end of 2012, while the section Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad is divided in two lots. The contractors, which have already been selected, will start work there in just days.