Funds Paid under OP Transport Exceed 1 Bln BGN 06.07.2012
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Funds paid under OP Transport and invested in transport infrastructure exceed 1 Bln BGN. This was announced by the Transport Minister, Ivaylo Moskovski, during the presentation of the results of evaluation procedures for the award of grants and criteria for selection of projects under operational programs.

"Thanks to the measures that we took we were able to achieve significant results in a very short period - we have negotiated over 3,7 billion BGN or about 92% of the Program budget and more than 1,221 billion BGN had already been paid to the beneficiaries” said Minister Moskovski. "To make up for the delays most of the projects under OP" Transport" start with funds from the national budget, but later, after application form is being approved, the money are recovered," he added. According to his words, each major project (over 50 million), and some below this threshold, have been prepared in a joint initiative with JASPERS, which largely ensures subsequent approval from Brussels.

The work the results that have been achieved in the past 3 years was also reviewed. "After consultations with the European Commission we start working on the principle of so-called. "Over booking" - actually we prepare more projects than the program budget can fund "the minister added. "The logic that we followed was to give way to those projects that have the best design mode, thus avoiding a high risks and blocking the huge financial resources" he added.

Minister Moskovski paid attention to the management models of projects that have been developed in recent years and stressed on the importance of preparing projects for the next programming period of the OP "Transport".

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