The winter camp harbour in Ruse would be finished through PPP 12.10.2012
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The winter camp harbour of the Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River would be finished through Public Private Partnership. That was explained by the Transport Minister Ivaylo Moskovski during his inspection of transportation objects in the town of Ruse on Friday.  Due to lack of financial resources more than seven years the project is standing unfinished, although there has been invested around BGN 20 milion under PHARE program and the state budget.

"We received permission from the European Union and will start procedure for concession on winter camp harbour in Ruse “ said Minister Moskovski. "The potential investor will complete the project with its own funds, and then these money will be used as concession fees" he added. Winter Camp harbour will provide accommodation throughout the whole year for 26 vessels and yachts.

During his visit in Ruse Minister Moskovski visited the only Museum of Transport and Communications in the country. In his words, we are currently exploring the possibility of transferring its management to the Municipality of Ruse, so the museum will be able to apply for European funding. Currently it isn’t qualified as a museum under the Cultural Heritage Act.

Minister Moskovski  also announced that preparations for modernization and reconstruction  of the railway line Ruse - Varna are underway .This is one of the oldest railway lines in Bulgaria and it is possible to seek funding under the " Connected Europe”, he said. The indicative value of the project is around 300 mln euro, and the line can be defined as a major transport corridor between the Danube and the Black Sea.

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