Minister Ivaylo Moskovski met rectors of the leading universities in Bulgaria 22.01.2013
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Minister Ivaylo Moskovski met rectors of eight leading universities in Bulgaria to discuss work on the electronic government. “This is a strategic step for our partnership in the field of e-government ”said minister Moskovski during the meeting. 1000 students from all universities will receive free identity cards as part of testing of the system. The electronic smart card with your personal details is a major element of the "Improvement of administrative service to customers by building on the central e-government systems" project.

Five thousands cards for electronic identity will be shared with representatives of professional organizations in the field of information technology, medical practitioners, journalists, lawyers and notaries, and persons who work on the project.

Students from the leading Bulgarian universities will be part of the testing of the electronic system.

Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) is working on two projects funded by the Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity", financed by the EU said the Deputy-Minister of Transport Valery Borisov.

The main activity of the project "Improvement of administrative service to customers by building on the central e-government systems"  is to develop electronic identity. It will contain a chip with a unique code for every citizen the opportunity for a second slot that can contain qualified electronic signature health records and other electronic purse, Valery Borisov added.

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  • e-services
  • Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013
  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
  • Development of Broadband in Republic of Bulgaria
  • Digital Agenda for Europe
  • Open Data
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