"These electronic services of Civil Aviation Administration would save more than 52,000 hours for the citizens, and around 4000 hours for government ", this was said by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during today's presentation of the newly finished project of Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" for electronic services. According to him users of all services will save of more than 60,000 hours per year.
The project for development of existing information systems in the Directorate General" Civil Aviation Administration " amounts to over BGN 1 mln. It is implemented under the financial support of Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity", financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, and its duration is 18 months.
"With the implementation of this project we will provide over 33 e-services of the Civil Aviation Administration and 20 public records will be improved" said Minister Moskovski.
Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borisov said this project is the next serious step in the development of e-government.
"The project will help to optimize the work of the employees of DG CAA and we will build a database that will be used to maintain high levels of safety in aviation" ,said Director General of the GD CAA Mintcho Tzvetkov.
The new electronic services will be used by five international airports and airport authorities, 15 airfields, 57 aircraft operators, 46 operators of terrestrial activity, three aviation training centers, 8 flight training organizations, 47 organizations for repair and maintenance of aviation equipment, 730 pilots, 1,350 cabin crew (stewards and hostesses), 465 Head-flight engineers and 1,465 technical staff, 82 flight dispatchers, 1500 security officers at airports and more.
The first steps of the implementation of the project will be design and development of new modules, improving existing systems, implementation and construction of integrated information and communication system in the CAA and buying new equipment.