Bulgaria Ranks First in Complying with the Requirements of Paris MoU 11.02.2013
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Bulgaria carried out 569 inspections under Paris Memorandum on Port State Control and thus honoured nearly 200 per cent of its commitment, according to the annual report of the Maritime Administration Executive Agency. Bulgaria ranks first among all 27 member States of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Checks are part of the new Paris MoU inspection regime which came into force in early 2011. Their goal is to achieve stricter control of ships with poor performance in safety and at the same time alleviating inspection regime of others. In this regard, the vessels are separated by two priorities and each member state of the memorandum must pass a number of checks in each.

For the last year the Maritime Administration has received and processed more than 180 signals and has conducted 41 rescuing operations, together with other institutions and voluntary associations. As a result 61 human lives have been saved.

An electronic system which tests the sailors’ qualification  was also successfully launched. Massive awareness campaign was launched. A demonstration version available for use on the website of the agency was made for training of those who will sit for the exam. Since the introduction of electronic testing complaints by seafarers to subjectivity, bias or corruption of members of the examining committee have decreased.

Other highlights from the report of the Agency are introducing international and European legislation in the field of maritime transport, working on new projects and improved working conditions for employees.

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  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
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  • Digital Agenda for Europe
  • Open Data
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