A new post office in the Military Medical Academy will serve over 3 000 physicians, patients and students 11.03.2013
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After the post offices in the metro, in the supermarkets and in the universities, Military Medical Academy (MMA) is the latest place where "Bulgarian Posts" started offering their services. This was announced by Valery Borissov, Deputy-Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications during the opening of a new post office in the main building of the academy.                                                                                                 

More than 3 000 physicians, patients, teachers and students will be served a day at the MMA office of "Bulgarian Posts". Among the services provided are parcels drop-in, domestic and international money transfers, courier services, payment of utilities and local taxes.            

According to Deputy-Minister Borissov, in less than two years, about 50 post offices across the country have been repaired, newly opened or moved to a more convenient places for citizens. Two key exchanges and sorting centers have been built in Varna and Bourgas on a convenient and significantly larger area.         

The event was attended by the Executive Director of "Bulgarian Posts" PLC - Dean Daneshki and the Head of Military Medicine Department in Military Medical Academy - Asen Petkov.

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