Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” presented the progress on the DaHar Project – Development of the ports on the river Danube. The opening speech at the seminar was delivered by Petar Petrov - Acting Chief Secretary, EAMA. The project has been implemented under Operational Programme for Transnational Cooperation “South East Europe 2007-2013“.
Within the framework of the еvent Tony Todorov, Executive director, Maritime Administration – Lom Directorate and Project Manager, presented the activities on the working packages. In his words the DaHar Project successfully combines the efforts of institutions, organizations and companies from the Middle and Lower Danube region in order to improve transport relations and increase the efficiency of river transportations. According to him the objectives of the project are similar to our national policy in the field of inland water transport, i.e. to encourage development of Bulgarian ports on the river Danube as key intermodal and logistic hubs.
Lubomir Syarov presented the work on the Green Freight Transport cluster. He highlighted that the aim of the cluster is to present complex (intermodal) transport services – the Bulgarian transport system should be integrated alongside the Eurоpean one, with the aim to encourage the usage of combined modes of transport services through and on the territory of Bulgaria. The aim is to successfully combine various modes of transport within the existing port, ferry and inland railway terminals so as to attract transit shipments and reduce transport expenses.
Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” is currently working on three other projects under Operational Programme for Transnational Cooperation “South East Europe 2007-2013“. The ADB Project – a multimodal platform Adriatic Sea – the river Danube – Black Sea, was presented by the Project Manager Petar Kirov, Deputy Executive Director, EAMA. The main objective of the project is to develop and encourage alternative transport solutions focusing on multimodal transportations from ports on the Adriatic Sea, the river Danube and the Black Sea to the inland of the region.
Anna Natova, Project Manager and Director of European Union, International Relations and Projects Directorate at EAMA, presented the results achieved on the GIFT Project – Green Intermodal Transport Corridors. The main objective of the GIFT Project is to encourage the exploitation of green intermodal transport corridors on the territory of South East Europe.
Georgi Ivanov, Director of Maritime Administration – Russe Directorate and HINT Project Manager, presented the activities on the most recent project at EAMA, i.e. the HINT Project - Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology. The project capitalizes the results of the already completed Project NELI “Cooperation Networks for Logistics and Nautical Education Focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube Corridor Supported by Innovative Solutions”. The project aims at establishing a unique harmonized system for theoretical and practical training in the area of inland waterways transport in the region of the river Danube. |