MTITC issued a postage stamp for the 60th anniversary of the University of Mining and Geology 28.05.2013
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Caretaker Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Valeri Borissov and the Rector of the University of Mining and Geology, Professor Luben Totev have launched a postage stamp dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the university.

"Throughout its history, the university has provided education to over 14,000 engineers in the field of geology and mining. This is an especially important mission at a time when the infrastructure and processing of raw materials are crucial to the economy," said Deputy Minister Borissov during the ceremony. He recalled that so far such stamps have been printed for the anniversaries of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", the Naval Academy "Nikola Vaptsarov", the College of Telecommunications and Post, the University for National and World Economy.

Today's edition has a circulation of 15 000 copies. The nominal value of the postage stamps: 0.65 lev. The artist of the project is Prof. Georgi Yankov.

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