Minister Danail Papazov: For the first time the maritime sector is united around a single candidate for the post of Director of Maritime Administration 05.07.2013
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For the first time the maritime sector is united around a single candidate for the post of director of Maritime Administration. This was announced by Mr. Danail Papazov, Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, during the ceremony for handing the order for the appointment of Capt. Georgi Tsvetkov to the position of Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration". The ceremony took place today at the Sailor’s House in Varna.

Minister Danail Papazov said that in order the selection of the new Executive Director to be completely transparent, he turned to the whole maritime community to come up with a proposal for a single nomination which is to be accepted by the sector. We will use this approach both in recruitment and in case of required changes in the administrations’ management and the structures in the system of MTITC, said also Minister Papazov. According to his words, the change in the management of Executive Agency Maritime Administration is necessary because the former Executive Director Capt. Sergei Tsarnakliyski has been appointed as Technical Adviser to the Secretariat of the Danube Commission.

Capt. Georgi Tsvetkov obtained a Navigation Officer degree in 1988at the Naval Academy ’Nikola Vaptsarov’,Varna. He has completed a number of additional qualification courses. Since 1998 he is Captain of the High Sees.

Capt. Georgi Tsvetkov has 12 years expeience in the field of safety management, quality, security, environment protection and safety at work and labour safety.

He has performed various positions in the Bulgarian Maritime Fleet as a Captain, appointed person ashore, security officer of the company, and a management representative. He worked as a superintendent/auditor and has participated in the establishment of the Safety and Quality Management System of Bulgarian Maritime Fleet. He has also managed the company unit responsible for the introduction and certification of the security system at 77 ships. From February 2013 until now he is captain of the international ship "Marciana". He speaks English and Russian languages.

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