Minister Danail Papazov negotiated 400 additional quotas for third country transportation licenses 06.09.2013
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The Bulgarian party has negotiated 400 additional annual quotas of third country licenses. This was announced during the bilateral meeting between the Minister of Transport, information Technology and Communications, Danail Papazov, and his Turkish counterpart, Binali Yildirim. In this way the current 1100 licenses have increased to 1500 in number.

During the talks, Minister Papazov presented all of the issues posed by the Bulgarian carriers at the series of meetings at the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. As proposed by him, by the end of September, there will be a joint Bulgarian-Turkish Road Transport Committee to discuss all issues of mutual interest.

Minister Yildirim, in his turn, posed the issue of the provision of transit roads considering the huge and ever growing cargo vehicles flow, which transport Turkish goods to Central Europe. Minister Danail Papazov confirmed the cooperation when discussing and solving this issue. After the end of the meeting the ministers shared the view that the negotiations where in the spirit of a good neighbourly and constructive dialogue.

Danail Papazov’s meeting with Binali Yildirim has been held within the framework of the 11th Transport Forum in Istanbul. More than 15 ministers have taken part in it. Minister Danail Papazov described his participation in the Forum as fruitful as he has also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Georgia, and Macedonia among others.

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