MTITC projects for electronic identity and automated data exchange between the administrations awarded as best practices by OPAC 23.10.2013
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Two projects of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications in the field of e-governance were awarded as best practices by the Managing body of Operational Programme Administrative Capacity. Project К10-31-1/07.09.2010 “Development of electronic administrative services” and Project К11-32-1/20.09.2011 “Improvement of administrative services through upgrade of the central e-governance systems” have been implemented with the financial aid of Operational Programme Administrative Capacity which is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund. Their total value amounts to about 30 million Levs.

Among the completed activities is the established register of electronic identity of users and the implemented centralized system for monitoring and information security management. This was stated by MTITC Secretary General Ivan Markov at the awarding ceremony.

There are still ongoing works on the connection of 34 registers and information systems of the central administration. Twenty-four electronic services for the citizens have been created, as well as some 50 electronic administrative services for the Municipality of Sofia. Ten electronic administrative services for the Municipality of Plovdiv have been implemented, said Mr. Markov at the ceremony.

MTITC is a beneficiary for four projects which are financed under OP Administrative Capacity at a total amount of over 50 million Levs. A few days ago a contract for the Project “Upgrade of the existing new e-governance central systems aimed at improvement of the information-communication medium for better administrative services for citizens and the business” was signed for the amount of 20 million Levs. The activities envisaged are the design of new sectoral and complex e-services as well as development of e-healthcare, e-education, e-procurement and e-justice.

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  • Current Concessions
  • e-services
  • Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013
  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
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  • Digital Agenda for Europe
  • Open Data
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